Biodiversity at the heart of redeveloping the Saint-Jacques mining tip
A tale of water and stone
Société d’Exploitation du Terril St Jacques or SETSJ sprl is a limited liability company set up in Farciennes in April 2012 to carry out the project of redeveloping the Saint-Jacques coal-mining tip, through the creation of a landfill and a set of social and environmental development measures revolving around a host of bodies of water, wetlands and wooded areas, walking paths, and a lookout.
A site with an unusual calling
The site covers 30 hectares between the railway track, Sambre River, and Farciennes Ecopôle (a green business park) and is part of the chain of tips known as the Chaîne des Terrils. Upon completion of the current project, it will become a wildlife sanctuary, network of walking paths, and educational area for everyone interested in biodiversity and local heritage.
Latest news
Management of the reed bed in the large crater
On Thursday, 25 February 2022, we were delighted to welcome 5th- and 6th-grade secondary students from the Athénée royale de Chimay high school, agronomics and environment section, who came to help us to mow the reed bed of the large crater.
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Developing new pools in 2023 to offset the drying of the ruts
During the winter of 2023, SETSJ created two new, deeper pools with very gentle slopes to compensate for the early drying up of the ruts.
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